Our discipline recognizes the vast influence that the built environment can have on public health and seeks to improve this understanding, both for health and urban planning policy. Such built environment domains include access to health facilities, (un)healthy food outlets, physical activity facilities, and active/passive transport availability, as well as exposure to burdensome issues such as vacant housing, blighted landscapes, and crime. Typically, however, evidence on the broader influence of the built environment remains limited because studies are largely confined within these separate domains rather than attempting to integrate their influence. Researchers have recognized this complexity and sought to more comprehensively quantify how the built environment is relevant to health. This work has led to the creation of several geospatial composite indicators around the world.
The overall purpose of this panel discussion is to synthesize and interrogate research being conducted on these geospatial indicators across different geographical contexts, their associations with health outcomes, and recommendations for future policy and practice. Thao Lam will present recent evidence on health associations of the Dutch Obesogenic Built environment Characteristics Index. Richard Sadler will discuss considerations of Stakeholder Engagement and Methodology in the Creation of Multi-Criteria Built Environment Indices. Michael Desjardins will present the Limitations and Opportunities of Geospatial Composite Indicators of Health within Built Environments Towards Evidence-Based Urban Planning. Marynia Kolak will discuss a practical tool- an interactive data dashboard for mapping Chicago's urban environment, with an option for index customization.
These presentations will be followed by moderated discussion by Amber DeJohn.