Jul 14 – 19, 2024
Georgia State University College of Law
America/New_York timezone
Welcome to IMGS2024!

Measuring Greenspace Access: Best & Current Practices for Healthy Places

Jul 16, 2024, 4:20 PM
Knowles Conference Center/Second Level-245 - Room 245 (Georgia State University College of Law)

Knowles Conference Center/Second Level-245 - Room 245

Georgia State University College of Law

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Paper Structural Determinants of Health Paper Presentations


Catherine Discenza (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)


Greenspace has been linked to health in a variety of ways, from having positive effects on mental health to being a potential mediating factor for asthma. However, greenspace is a broad term used to discuss anything from vegetation presence to park access. In this review we identify current uses of greenspace and greenspace measures to support standardized practices, replicable research, and Open Science This research is part of the SDOH & Place Project, which seeks to connect communities, researchers, policymakers, and health practitioners with place-based social determinants of health (SDOH) data towards a future of health equity. As part of that mission, we aim to expand understanding and usage of greenspace measures in an SDOH context.

This research reviews current greenspace measures, indicators for each measure, and whether they identify presence or utilization of greenspace. Current measures and indicators are identified primarily through review articles, and secondarily through additional review of the literature, with particular attention to literature that identifies greenspace measures in the context of health or SDOH.

The ultimate goal of this study is to build a knowledge base to help community members and professionals alike better incorporate greenspace indicators into health research, advocacy, and planning. The knowledge base will be a resource for the community to understand and evaluate which indicators to include in their work. Further, to link this knowledge base to practice, we will also be indexing publicly available datasets in a search discovery platform, promoting a practice of Open Science.

Primary author

Catherine Discenza (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)

Presentation materials