Jul 14 – 19, 2024
Georgia State University College of Law
America/New_York timezone
Welcome to IMGS2024!

Practice and Policy: Perspectives in Health Geography Panel Abstract

Jul 16, 2024, 4:20 PM
1h 20m
Knowles Conference Center/Second Level-241 - Room 241 (Georgia State University College of Law)

Knowles Conference Center/Second Level-241 - Room 241

Georgia State University College of Law

Show room on map


Andrew Murray (United States Environmental Protection Agency) Barbara Keino (U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)) Kevin Matthews (Centers for Disease Control)Ms Leigh Messenger (UNT) Mary Anne Adams (Zami Nobla) Yolanda McDonald (Vanderbilt University)


Health and medical geography are critical lenses to understand the spatial dimensions of health disparities and inequities to inform evidence-based policy interventions. This panel brings together voices representative of community organizations, academia, and government agencies to explore the intersections of practice and policy within the realm of health geography. The panelists will share insights from their experiences of collaborating with and within community organizations, academia, and government agencies and delve into the practical applications of community-engaged research, geographic information systems (GIS), spatial analysis techniques, and qualitative research to identify challenges and strengths of vulnerable populations to inform policy-driven evidence-based targeted interventions to improve quality of life. By fostering dialogue and knowledge exchange, this panel aims to advance our understanding of how spatial approaches, in tandem with community-engaged research practices that include academia and government agencies, can inform more equitable, sustainable health policies, and promote healthier communities.

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