Jul 14 – 19, 2024
Georgia State University College of Law
America/New_York timezone
Welcome to IMGS2024!

“Building CapaCITY/É for Sustainable Transportation”: Documenting Implementation Processes and Outcomes in Nine Canadian Cities

Jul 16, 2024, 4:20 PM
Knowles Conference Center/Second Level-246 - Room 246 (Georgia State University College of Law)

Knowles Conference Center/Second Level-246 - Room 246

Georgia State University College of Law

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Paper Health Disparities Paper Presentations


Martine Shareck (Université de Sherbrooke)


Interventions that promote active and sustainable transportation modes are critical to increasing everyday physical activity, mitigating climate change, improving population health, and reducing health inequity. However, understanding the origins of such interventions, where they get implemented, how they can be translated to new contexts, and who benefits from them, all remain under-explored. The ‘Building Capacity for Sustainable Transportation’ team (CapaCITY/É) is a group of researchers, city planners, and national organizations in Canada and Australia looking to catalyze the implementation of two types of sustainable transportation interventions – All Ages and Abilities (AAA) bicycle networks and speed management interventions – to support health, mobility, and equity. This presentation will describe progress made in CapaCITY/É with regard to documenting implementation processes (e.g., historical, social, and political context, facilitating and constraining factors) and outcomes (e.g., acceptability, appropriateness, sustainability) of AAA bicycle networks and speed management interventions in nine Canadian cities. Methodologically, we are conducting a comparative case study combining a document analysis and key informant interviews. Specifically, we will (1) describe how we selected cases; (2) present our document search strategy and preliminary findings; and (3) introduce next steps. Our work will identify the array of factors associated with the implementation of sustainable transportation interventions on the ground. Practically, findings from this work will be used to develop an implementation science framework and a decision-making tool to guide city staff in designing healthier and more equitable cities.

Primary author

Martine Shareck (Université de Sherbrooke)


Prof. Jennifer R. Tomasone (Queen's University) Ms Kaitlyn Kauffeldt (Queen's University) Ms Karen Laberee (Simon Fraser University) Prof. Scott Bell (University of Saskatchewan) Prof. Patricia Collins (Queen's University) Prof. Marie-Eve Couture-Ménard (Université de Sherbrooke) Prof. Ugo Lachapelle (Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM)) Prof. Ehab Diab (University of Saskatchewan) Prof. Ben Beck (Monash University) Ms Lauren Pearson (Monash University) Prof. Marie-Soleil Cloutier (Institut national de la recherche scientifique) Daniel Fuller (University of Saskatchewan) Meghan Winters (Simon Fraser University)

Presentation materials

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